A modern tool, innovative by Tazmeen Company, helps Actors who work with a dubbing companies that operate under a Tazmmen system to find out all Data that relates to their work with these companies, such as: recording sessions schedules, and previous recording session data, and the financial statements of actor.
Also this App helps the dubbing companies that operate under a Tazmmen system to coordinate the recording session schedules with Actors, and communicate with them via text messages that offered by this app.
The application features that cant be provided by companies that operate on dubbing with traditional methods:
- Reminds the actor of the recording session scheduales.
- Provide data to the actor automatically without reviewing the company.
- The possibility of immediate review when there is any note by the actor.
- All previous data of the actor are kept in his own record and can be viewed at any time.
- The statements of any actor cant be viewed by another actor.